How to Care For Your Pet in its Last Moments

Pets become part of our families. However, just like our other family members, they can’t live with us forever. They have a limited lifespan and usually die much earlier than us. So, there comes a time when every pet owner has to bid farewell to their pet, whether a cat, dog, parrot or even a little kangaroo. It is a very emotional and painful time and you might feel totally lost. However, the final moments of your pet need to be treasured just as much as when they were alive and well. Here are a few ways through which you can care for your pet in its last moments and ensure that it passes away peacefully.

Surround them with Things They Like

Every child has a favourite toy they like by their side at all times, and so do pets. In its last moments, even if your pet is too sick to play, its mere presence can make them happy. Thus, it is a good idea to surround your sick pet with all its favourite things. Don’t just stop at toys, though. Have your pets favourite friends come over too. It can help in easing the pain that the pet might be feeling in those last moments. You can also spoil your pet with its favourite foods.

Say Goodbye to your Pet

Being with your pet in their last moments helps you and your pet feel connected. Let them know how much you love them. You may think they won’t understand you, but a pet you’ve spent time with bonding can understand you more than you realise. Say all you ever wanted to say to your sick pet and tell it how much they meant to you. Your words will calm the pet down and make it's passing a peaceful affair. It is an emotional time for a pet owner and you might find it hard to voice your feelings. In such cases, just holding on to your pet and hugging it tightly is enough. It will convey your love for them.

Ask a Veterinarian to be Present

Pets can become quite agitated and anxious in their final moments. They might lash out because of the pain they are feeling. To ensure that your pet isn’t in any kind of discomfort during its last moments, call a veterinarian to be present at the time of your pet’s passing. The veterinarian may be able to provide painkillers or relief to your pet and ensure that it remains both comfortable and calm. It is also a good idea to let the veterinarian perform euthanasia. They are trained and will ensure your pet doesn’t feel any pain.

Take Pictures with Your Pet

If you want to make the last day of your pet even more memorable, you can take pictures with it too. You can even take the pet to its favourite spot and then take selfies with it. These pictures will always remind you of your pet’s last day. 

Pets in Peace is a provider of pet care and pet funeral services. We also provide support for those dealing with grief from the loss of a beloved pet. So contact us today and find out how we can help you during a time of need.


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