How to Prepare For a Pet Funeral

It’s not something we want to plan for, but unfortunately, it does happen. Eventually, our beloved pets have to leave us. It’s one of the hardest experiences one has to face in their lives - saying goodbye to a pet. Pets are family for many people. So, it’s justified giving them a funeral experience that is just as respectful and meaningful as any other family member’s funeral would be.

Planning a pet funeral can be as thought-out as you’d like it to be. It doesn’t have to be a quick and careless arrangement. You have the right to say goodbye in your own special way, with the added comfort of funeral extras such as viewing rooms and a specialised pet cremation or burial. So, how exactly do you prepare for a pet funeral? Well, if you know your special animal companion is reaching its final days, it might be time to start talking to pet crematoriums, pet cemeteries, or those that specialise in pet aftercare services. Sometimes, however, saying goodbye isn’t expected. Unforeseen circumstances might mean you are pushed to make difficult decisions and farewell your family member sooner. In that case, preparing for a funeral can feel a little rushed. To guide you, or help you prepare for this difficult process, we’ve outlined some important steps to take when it’s d-day.

Handling Remains

Most often, pets will die at a veterinary surgery while being put to sleep. Most owners do not want their pet suffering with pain and a poor quality of life so they make the ultimate decision to put them to sleep. In this case, the veterinarian usually offers to cremate the pet at the surgery and return the remains to the owner upon completion. That is unless the owner wants to take the remains to organise a burial at a pet cemetery or at home.

If your pet dies naturally at home, then the owner can still choose whether they’d like to bury or cremate, and with which service provider they’d like to trust in to handle their pet’s aftercare. If it’s necessary to keep your pet at home for an extended period before the funeral, it’s important to keep the body in a cool room; however, it is not advised to do this for longer than 24 hours. It is also important to remember that rigor mortis (the stiffening of joints) will set in after three or four hours. Make sure to clean the area thoroughly after the disposal of the animal’s remains.

Organising Cremation of Burial Services

When a pet dies, the owner has options of organising either a cremation or a burial. Cremations are either done at a vet clinic or a specialised centre. Burials can be organised at a cemetery at home. Cremation at the vet clinic means that the remains are dealt with efficiently and in most cases at an affordable price. A burial means that the owner can take more care in saying goodbye and feel more closure. However, this option is more expensive if you’re looking to bury your pet in a cemetery. Home burials are the most affordable and personal option, but this isn’t always feasible. The other option is contacting a pet aftercare centre which can provide a more meaningful funeral experience.

At the end of the day, it is important to choose the option that is the best for you, and that you feel the most comforted by. The grieving process can be hard and long, but a special and meaningful send-off can make you feel happier.

Pets in Pets can deliver a pet funeral experience that is respectful, dignified and warm, to help you say goodbye to your beloved pet. With a range of services to choose from, you can make this experience just right for you and your pet. Contact us today to hear about our pet funeral services.


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