What To Do With Your Pet’s Things After They’ve Died

Losing a pet can be an extremely sad experience. Pets are part of the family; therefore losing a pet is just like losing a loved one or friend. One question most people ask is where to take their pet’s belongings after they are deceased. Just like us, pets have their belongings. Sometimes keeping these things around can be difficult as they are permanent reminders of a pet’s death – for others they provide comfort. You ultimately have a few options with what to do with your pets' things after they passed, which we’ll share today. 

What To Do With Pet’s Things After They’d Died

It is important to realize that this question does not have a right or wrong answer. The best thing is to follow your heart and consider what you and your family want. This way, everyone will be satisfied and feel that this pet was given a decent send-off that it deserved. 

  1. Keep the Belongings

This is a very personal decision made by most pet owners. It also varies from person to person. Some pet owners hold on to their pet’s belongings for quite some time until they are ready to let them go completely. This should be done at your own pace, and you can be as selective as you like with your pet’s things. You can choose only a few certain keepsakes to keep forever, or you can keep everything until you feel at peace with your pet’s death. 

  1. Give Away

This is another great option for dealing with pet’s belongings, and that’s giving them away to those who are in need. Your pet might be having several items such as toys, beddings, leashes, foods and other accessories. If you no longer have a pet, these things will probably be redundant to you. You may decide to give away some or all of these products, depending on what you’re ready to part with. If you don’t have a particular person in mind to give these things to, you can also donate the belongings to various charities and second-hand shops. 

  1. Repurpose or Reuse

This is a great option especially if you have other pets. If you have multiple pets, then there will be no need to give away these belongings and instead you can let the other pets use them. This will be a good option to help you and other pets move on. You can also repurpose the belongings – such as using their dog bowl as a plant pot. This is a touching way to keep your pet’s memory around. 

It is also important to consider who will receive your pet’s belongings. The following are some ideas. 

Your family members – Family members are good candidates for your pet toys and belongings as they are usually in touch and will look after their things. 

Animal shelter and orphanage – This is also another great choice. These organisations will greatly benefit from your pet’s old belongings as they are always in need of more resources. 

Are you wondering how to give your deceased pet a proper send-off? Pets in Peace specialises in delivering respectful and dignified pet funerals and crematorium services. Contact Pets in Peace for more information.


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