How to Name Your Pet

One of the first things you will do as a pet owner is to give your pet a name. There are many avenues to go down and it can be a fun, yet tough, task. If you have spent ages thinking of a name for your pet, here are some suggestions for you, to make the experience a bit easier.

●Choose a famous name. This could be the name of a famous person you like, o     even maybe a famous historical pet name.  

●Keep it short. A short name makes it easier for you and your family to remember. If forgetting is a problem, definitely pick a short name. 

●Get an idea from pop culture icons. You could look at pop culture and find a name you will love. It could be from a movie you have watched, or from the characters in a TV show or book.  

●Get inspired by your life: Life generally can inspire you in choosing a name for your pet. This can be from comic books you have read, from your favourite foods and colours, from your child's favourite subject in school. It could be from the places you have visited or people you have met. 

●Give it time: After acquiring your pet, you could observe it for some time and find a trait you admire which could help you name it. For instance, you could name it brave after seeing it’s brave nature – or name it after an icon that is brave. See what we did? 

●Use the Internet. Search the internet for sites that suggest names for pets. This is great if you want something creative.  

●Choose names with two syllables: These can be catchy to say as they often have a ring to them. For example, “Sandy” is an easy name to say and has a catchy quality.  

●Choose names with positive connotations: It is best to give your pet a name with a positive meaning. Negative names can feel a bit harsh.

Pets in Peace is made up of a caring team that can help guide and support you with a range of pet aftercare services. It was founded from a place of experience, so the owners understand the devastating effects of losing a pet. With Pets in Peace, you can give a dignified service and bid your pet a final farewell. 

Contact Pets in Peace today to learn more about pet memorial services. We can help you through the heartbreak of losing a pet.


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