How to Integrate a New Pet With Your Existing Ones

If you’ve just welcomed a new pet into your family, integrating them into your household and giving them the best possible start in life can be surprisingly challenging. Here we’ll look at how to integrate a new pet with your existing ones.

Prep Your Existing Pet For A New Addition

The process of integrating a new pet into your life can be confusing, especially if you are considering adding a cat or a dog to your family. It involves giving your current pet time to adjust to the change, explaining the benefits of having the new companion in your home and considering specific maintenance tasks that you can perform before and after the new pet is in your home.

A brief checklist to help you integrate the pets

    1. Keep it Calm And Quiet 

You need to ensure that everything is peaceful and quiet. This means that you should make sure that your existing pets are well taken care of and are calm.

    2. Make Sure The New Pet Has All It Needs

Ensure that your new pet has all the supplies and toys needed. This will avoid a fight over ownership of the toys.

    3. Let The Pets Sniff And Investigate Each Other

This is how the pets investigate each other. Allow them to sniff around but ensure that this is done under your supervision. A fight may erupt initially but be sure to control the situation.

    4. Feed Them Together

Feeding the pets together will encourage cohesion. If you feed them separately, they might get aggressive, thinking that you care more about the other pets. Find the same spot and provide them food together, each in a separate bowl.

    5. Give Them A Place Where They Can Escape From Each Other

Ensure that the pets have their makeshift territory to resort to after a play or meals. Mixing your pets is not a good idea. You have to let them choose whether to incorporate or not.

    6. Let Them Rest On Their Terms

Your pets might have different reactions and coping mechanisms. Ensure that you don’t force things, allow them to have their schedule to rest for better positive results.

    7. Play With All Of Them At Once

Playtime is the ideal time for your pet to get along. Make a schedule that everyone will follow every day. With time they will get along quite well.

For pets aftercare services such as a funeral, cremation or memorial services, contact Pets in Peace. You can also visit the Pets In Peace website for more details.


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