How to Pet-Proof Your Home


Pets such as dogs and cats are curious animals, and they will go into every room in the house to look for whatever they want. Sometimes they will do things that one can't imagine. Therefore, it is essential to pet-proof your home. Each room will need to be pet-proofed differently due to the things that are in the room, including:


  • Use childproof fasteners to keep their paws from open cabinets
  • Keep food out of the pet’s reach. You can wrap it but putting it away is the best option to be sure that snooping pets don’t get tempted
  • Keep the trash can covered
  • Store knives and other sharp utensils away safely

Living Room

  • All the lamps, telephones, TVs and other electronics should be out of the pets reach
  • Ensure house plants that might be poisonous for the pet are out of reach
  • Cover the heating and air vents
  • Put sewing and craft equipment out of reach


  • Keep laundry and shoes behind closed doors
  • Small items such as buttons should be out of reach to avoid swallowing
  • Keep any medication, cosmetics and lotions in drawers or off visible surfaces
  • Electrical and phone wires should be out of reach due to chewing
  • Don’t lock your playful kitten in a closet


  • Place all the medication, cleaners, chemicals and other suppliers in high shelves or cabinets
  • Ensure the kitten doesn’t jump into the dryer before you turn it on
  • Keep the toilet lid closed
  • Put loose hair ties up high and safely away from pets

Other pet-proofing tips include

  • Store chemicals in high shelves or closed cabinets
  • Ensure your floors are pet friendly
  • Keep all edged items and tools out of reach
  • Keep washers and dryers closed

Taking good care of your pet while it’s alive will make for unforgettable memories. So when the time comes for them to pass, you will be happy knowing you gave them an incredible life. Pets in Peace provide personalised memorial services and aftercare for your pet. We will support and comfort you and your family during this difficult time. Visit our website or contact us to see how we can help.


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